onlineoverland:   Overland flow using the diffusion wave method --- One book


Ponce, V. M. 1986. Diffusion wave modeling of catchment dynamics. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 112(8), August, 716-727. [HTML version 2015].

Ponce, V. M. 1989. Engineering Hydrology: Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 322-325.

Aguilar, R. D. 2014. Diffusion wave modeling of catchment dynamics using online calculation.

INPUT DATA:           [Rationale]      [Description]      [Sample Input]


  (SI (metric) / U.S. Customary)

Rainfall depth P  (cm / in):      

[ P > 0 ]

Runoff curve number CN :      

[ CN > 20 ]

Total rainfall duration tr  (hr):      

[ tr > 0 ]

Number of points in cumulative rainfall distribution Np :      

[ Integer Np must be in the range 2 ≤ Np ≤ 101 ]

Dimensionless cumulative time for rainfall distribution T* :

[Np values, separated by commas; first value must be 0.; last value must be 1.]

Dimensionless cumulative depth for rainfall distribution D* :

[Np values, separated by commas; first value must be 0.; last value must be 1.]

Total simulation time Tt  (hr):      

[ Tt > 0 ]

Number of time intervals NΔt :      

[ Integer NΔt > 0 ]

Number of time intervals for printing Npr :      

[ Integer Npr > 0 ]

Fraction used to estimate reference discharge Fr :      

[ 0 ≤ Fr ≤ 1; leave blank to specify default value of Fr = 0.5 ]

Overland flow area A  (ha / ac):      

[ 0 < A ≤ 2500 in SI Units; 0 < A ≤ 1000 in U.S. Units ]

Fraction of area in left plane Flp :      

[ 0 < Flp ≤ 1; enter 1 to specify only one (left) plane ]

Slope of left plane Slp :      

[ 0.000001 ≤ Slp ≤ 0.1 ]

Manning coefficient for left plane nlp :      

[ 0.008 ≤ nlp ≤ 1 ]

Rating exponent for left plane βlp :      

[ 1.5 ≤ βlp ≤ 3; enter -1 to specify default value of βlp = 2 ]

Slope of right plane Srp :      

[ 0.000001 ≤ Srp ≤ 0.1; leave blank to exactly mirror left plane for Flp = 0.5 only ]

Manning coefficient for right plane nrp :      

[ 0.008 ≤ nrp ≤ 1; leave blank to exactly mirror left plane for Flp = 0.5 only ]

Rating exponent for right plane βrp :      

[ 1.5 ≤ βrp ≤ 3; enter -1 to specify default value of βlp = 2;
leave blank to exactly mirror left plane for Flp = 0.5 only ]

Length of channel Lch  (m / ft):      

[ Lch > 0 ]

Slope of channel Sch :      

[ 0.000001 ≤ Sch ≤ 0.1 ]

Manning coefficient of channel nch :      

[ 0.008 ≤ nch ≤ 0.250 ]

Bottom width of channel Bch  (m / ft):      

[ Bch ≥ 0 ]

Design depth of channel ych  (m / ft):      

[ ych > 0 ]

Side slope of channel z [z H : 1 V]:      

[ 0 ≤ z ≤ 10 ]


Time stepTime
Cumulative Volume


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