online_shuttleworth_wallace: Calculation of evapotranspiration using the Shuttleworth-Wallace method
Solar evaporator at Red Rock Ranch, Panoche Water District, Fairbaugh, California
Δ = (0.00815 Ta + 0.8912)7
rac = rb /(2L)
rsc = rST /(2L)
Ra = (Δ + γ) raa
Rs = (Δ + γ) ras + γrss
Rc = (Δ + γ) rac + γrsc
Rns = Rn e-CL
A = Rn - 0.2Rns
As = 0.8Rns
Cc = 1 / {1 + (Rc Ra) / [Rs (Rc + Ra)]}
Cs = 1 / {1 + (Rs Ra) / [Rc (Rs + Ra)]}
PMc = [ΔA + (ρacpD - ΔracAs) / (raa + rac)] / [Δ + γ {1 + rsc/(raa + rac)}]
PMs = [ΔA + (ρacpD - Δras(A - As) / (raa + ras)] / [Δ + γ {1 + rss/(raa + ras)}]
λEc = Cc PMc
λEs = Cs PMs
λE = λEc + λEs
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